Audio Amplifier for Personal Stereo Automatic Soldering Iron Switch Infrared Object Counter Long-Range Burglar Alarm Using Laser Torch Musical Light Chaser Versatile LED Display
Microcontroller-based Real-time Clock Standalone Scrolling Display Using AT90S8515 AVR
Wave File Reader and Pitch Estimator
Technology Focus: Chip Innovations
Buying Guide: Notebooks No Longer a Costly Affair
Interview “Backed by Fibre-optic Network, India will
Jump on the IP Bandwagon”—Yugal Sharma, Country Manager, India, Polycom Inc. Test & Measurement DSP Boosts Scope Performance Design Embedded Systems Merging with Front-End VLSI Design Communication Hot Picks from Smart Phones Health How Computers can Harm Our Eyes? Technology Nanotechnology on Way to Raising the Dead?—Part III Communication The Mirror That MEMS Built—Part I Industry Focus Trends in Electromechanical Components