Technology Focus: How Smart Consumers Are Driving Smart Industries
Smart World (1) Fighting World Hunger With Solar Energy; (2) Bringing Advanced Precision To Laser Marking Systems; (3) Smart Ticketing Easing The Way We Travel; (4) AI-Powered Drones Come To The Rescue Startup Zone (1) Sustainable Water Treatment With CDI; (2) Holograms For Driver Navigation; (3) Drive To The Sky With SkyDrive; (4) An AI Companion For Kids; (5) An Automated Burger-Making Robot Interview “Data is the lifeblood of all organisations” — Manoj Sharma, HR director, NetApp India Interview “Renting is the new buying” — Ajay Gulati, head - sales and marketing, Electro Rent India Interview “Software tools are quite sophisticated, but they assume a lot of things to simplify the design” — Amit Bhardwaj, group chairman and managing director, Polar Instruments Asia-Pacific, and Sanket Roy, country manager, Polar Instruments India Do-It-Yourself Build A Clap- And Gesture-Controlled Robot Do-It-Yourself Build A Model Of Satellite Dish Antenna Angle Controller eStyle Buyers’ Guide: Powerful But Affordable Laptops Under Rs 25,000 Solar Can Solar Cells Provide Both Power And Drinking Water? Design Chips Off The New Block For Changing Times Do-It-Yourself Control Light Animations Using Android App Automation Creating A Chat Bot With Recast.AI Cloud Data Migration To Cloud: Security And Other Key Elements Do-It-Yourself Decode An IR Remote For Home Automation Automation Digital Transformation With Industry 4.0 eStyle Digital: The Pros And Cons Of E-Books Computing Edge And Fog Computing: Their Practical Uses Facts & Figures Exports And Imports Of Principal Commodities Do-It-Yourself Extend Transmission Range Of 433MHz RF Transmitter Module Regulars Feedback: Your Suggestions eStyle First Look: Some New Gadgets Test & Measurement How To Test The Quality Of An Electronic System Regulars Industry News: Industry Updates Do-It-Yourself Make A Digital Distance Meter With Arduino Market Survey Mapping The Growth Of R&D In India Regulars New Products Regulars Q&A: Things You Wanted To Know! Artificial Intelligence Smart Home, Smart City And Smart Nation Regulars Software and Apps Regulars Tech News: Technology Updates Paranormal The Electronics Of Paranormal Manifestations Security The Perils Of Trivialising The IoT Security