Technology Focus: How Blockchain will Upend Customer Experience
Startup Zone (1) Made for India EVs to Reduce the Growing Pollution; (2) Expansion of the UAV Ecosystem in India; (3) How to Get Your Startup Funded Smart World (1) Solving the Problems of Innovation through Collaboration; (2) “More than fifty per cent of searches will be voice based by 2020” — Sahil Chopra, founder and CEO, iCubesWire; (3) E-Mobility Driving the World Towards Cleaner Technology Interview “Interoperability is required for devices, networks and applications”—Sushil Kumar, deputy director general - IoT, Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) Interview “Security for the IoT is tough and risky. A security breach can put human lives at risk”—Karan Kumar, co-founder and chief technology officer, Hogar Controls Interview “The open source chip movement has just begun”—G.S. Madhusudan, senior project advisor, IIT-Madras Artificial Intelligence AI for Mission-Critical Applications: It’s All About Smarter Decisions and End Results Test & Measurement Benefits and Challenges of Cloud-Based Testing Do-It-Yourself Build Your Own Hi-Fi Stereo Audio Power Amplifier Do-It-Yourself Build Your Own Low-Noise 48V Regulated Power Supply eStyle BUYERS' GUIDE: Electric Cars Ready for Purchase in India Internet Communication and Internet Technology: Address Resolution between IPv4 and IPv6, and Mobile IP Market Survey Educational and Training Kits Market: An Industry Perspective Regulars Feedback: Your Suggestions eStyle FIRST LOOK: Some New Gadgets Do-It-Yourself Generate Power Using Microturbine Wearables How Stretchable Electronics is Getting Created Design How to Control Thermal Runaway in Batteries Artificial Intelligence How to Navigate through the AI Junk Computing Hybrid Cloud: New Edge for Cloud Providers Regulars Industry News: Industry Updates Do-It-Yourself Make This Arduino Uno-Based Window Alarm Annunciator Do-It-Yourself Make Your Own ESP8266-12E/F Module Programmer Do-It-Yourself Monitor Temperature with Voice Alerts Regulars New Products Skill India New-Generation Automotive Electronics, Infotronics and Skilled Workforce Test & Measurement Non-Destructive Cross-Sectioning Technique for Checking Components Regulars Q&A: Things You Wanted to Know! eStyle SAFETY: Fire Safety and Pollution Control while Cooking eStyle SMART LIVING: Top Smartphone Tips of the Hour Regulars Software and Apps Market Survey Solar Optimism Needs to be Back in India Regulars Tech News: Technology Updates Computing The Benefits and Challenges of the Internet as a Service for Cloud Computing